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  • YABC Guidance Referral Form (Form Y-1): the home school counselor completes Form Y-1 to document the individualized counseling session and the student’s and parent’s consent to transfer to a YABC. The student’s guidance counselor typically completes this form. No student will be admitted to a YABC without this completed form.
  • YABC Course Requirements Form (Form Y-2): the home school counselor completes Form Y-2 to indicate all of the student’s outstanding coursework and the Regents exams required for graduation. By completing Form Y-2, the student’s home school acknowledges that they will grant the student a diploma upon completion of the coursework and exams listed. By signing off on Form Y-2, the student’s home school is agreeing to issue a diploma upon successful completion of the coursework and exams listed. No student will be admitted to a YABC without this completed form.
  • This form should be completed by the home school counselor for the use of the DBK school counseling team.