Admissions » Admissions Protocol

Admissions Protocol

Downtown Brooklyn YABC students can be either full-time or part time.  Below you will find the difference between the two to see which is right for you.  Applications will be considered once both school counselors and student have completed the forms.


Full Time Shared Instruction
  • Students must be between 17 ½ and 21 years old when they enroll, as well as be currently enrolled in a NYC high school; if a student is not 18, the parent/guardian consent is necessary.
  • If there is any question as to the type of high school, contact Downtown Brooklyn YABC.
  • Depending on the circumstances, a student who needs to complete NX courses, can be enrolled as a full-time student.
  • The average DBK YABC student is at least 18, and in his/her/their 5th year of high school.
  • Students can be any age, be enrolled in a NYC high school, and have parent/guardian consent.
  • If there is any question as to the type of high school, contact Downtown Brooklyn YABC.
  • Depending on the circumstances, a student who needs to complete NX courses, can be enrolled as a shared instruction student.
  • The typical YABC student is at least 18 and in his/her/their fifth year of high school; school counselors need to keep this in mind when conferring with students about YABC as a resource for shared instruction students.

Role of the Home School Counselor

Full-Time Shared Instruction

School counselors need to complete the following:

School counselors need to complete the following:

Role of the Student

Full-Time Shared Instruction
Complete Student Admissions Form Complete Student Admissions Form